Grasslands Regeneration

ESS is spearheading a pilot program to initiate the restoration of Native Grasslands and Wildlife Corridors under utility easements and right of ways across Sandy Springs. ESS has assembled a professional team to expertly remove invasives, ID existing native plants to keep, clearly delineate the project boundaries (so mowers will not intrude), and plant back native plants as needed. We are leading the building of consensus with adjacent neighbors, neighborhood groups, HOA’s, the City of Sandy Springs, the Georgia Grasslands Initiative, Georgia Power, and other partners on this pilot program. Pilot programs use site specific data to validate the benefits and guide the restoration tactics and timelines. Upon proof of concept the project is intended to be scaled across the City of Sandy Springs under utility lines (80+ acres). The proposed pilot program plot is adjacent to the Morgan Landing Apartments. The property is private land owned by the HOA.