Active Initiatives

Help fund initiatives you care about and suggest ones you don’t see.


ESS is spearheading a pilot program to initiate the restoration of Native Grasslands and Wildlife Corridors under utility easements and right of ways across Sandy Springs. ESS has assembled a professional team to expertly remove invasives, ID existing native plants to keep, clearly delineate the project boundaries (so mowers will not intrude), and plant back native plants as needed. We are leading the building of consensus with adjacent neighbors, neighborhood groups, HOA’s, the City of Sandy Springs, the Georgia Grasslands Initiative, Georgia Power, and other partners on this pilot program. Pilot programs use site specific data to validate the benefits and guide the restoration tactics and timelines. Upon proof of concept the project is intended to be scaled across the City of Sandy Springs under utility lines (80+ acres). The proposed pilot program plot is adjacent to the Morgan Landing Apartments. The property is private land owned by the HOA.


ESS is spearheading a pilot program to initiate this stream buffer restoration and preserve the life of the native plantings that have been recently planted. ESS has assembled a professional team to expertly remove invasives (kudzu and other species), ID existing native plants to keep, restore natural habitats and create a plan for long-term mapping, management and maintenance. ESS will work with William Park on the City of Sandy Springs-owned segment to create a strong proof of concept. Going forward ESS will lead the building of consensus with the Primrose School segment abutting on the north and the Weber School segment abutting on the south to follow suit (both privately owned). Restoration in the protected buffer area along the Marsh Creek tributary will protect water quality, reduce erosion and flooding, make available a reliable food source for wildlife, in addition to making the stream corridor more appealing as a recreation destination for people. There will be no herbicide treatment above ground level, and no herbicide treatment immediately adjacent to the stream. Upon proof of concept the project is intended to be scaled along Marsh Creek within the City of Sandy Springs.



ESS would like to propose an initiative to identify small parcels of land that are unproductive and unsightly and restore them to productive ecosystems. Small parcels of land have proven to be just as biodiverse as large parcels. We would like to lead the charge on invasives removal, replanting of native plants and establishment of habitat on these WISPs of land so we can reach our goal of increasing biodiversity wherever we can. Habitat loss is one of the primary causes of biodiversity decline.


We would like to propose a major initiative to plant pollinator-friendly plants wherever possible (on both public land and private land), create pollinator habitat, and educate Sandy Springs citizens about how to reduce herbicide and pesticide use while also providing the community with less harmful alternatives that can help us stem the loss of these essential creatures.

ESS Survey

Please fill out the following survey on the proposed initiatives:

  • ESS is spearheading a pilot program to initiate the restoration of Native Grasslands and Wildlife Corridors under utility easements and right of ways across Sandy Springs. We are collaborating with the City of Sandy Springs, the Georgia Grasslands Initiative, Georgia Power and other partners on the pilot program. Pilot programs use site specific data to validate the benefits and guide the restoration tactics and timelines. Upon proof of concept the project will be scaled across the City of Sandy Springs.

  • Updates coming soon!

  • Unfortunately, canopy loss is outpacing canopy gain and the gap between quality canopy and overall loss is widening. To maintain the existing canopy, we are advocating to: plant more trees, mitigate loss, protect existing forests permanently, modify the zoning code to limit both max lot coverage and tree removal, protect trees of a certain caliper permanently, educate the public on the importance of preserving urban tree canopy, removing invasives and restoring the native plants on private land, and incentivize businesses and citizens to protect existing trees and plant new ones.

  • We would like to propose a major initiative to plant pollinator-friendly plants wherever possible (on both public land and private land), create pollinator habitat, and hold 3 seminars in 2024 about how to reduce herbicide and pesticide use while also providing the community with less harmful alternatives that can help us stem the loss of these essential creatures.

  • ESS would like to propose an initiative to identify small parcels of land that are unproductive and unsightly and restore them to productive ecosystems. Small parcels of land have proven to be just as biodiverse as large parcels. We would like to lead the charge on invasives removal, replanting of native plants and establishment of habitat on these WISPs of land so we can reach our goal of increasing biodiversity wherever we can. Habitat loss is one of the primary causes of biodiversity decline.

  • Add your own idea for an initiative to the survey on this page and we’ll have a look!